I was born one dark winter morning in January 1964, and grew up at a farm called “Annalyst” just outside Skodborg, south-end Jutland (Jylland), Denmark.
Skodborg is not a big place. It takes humour to make a brochure called “Skodborg – byen, der har næsten det hele” (“Skodborg – the town that has almost everything”). Anyway, a fine place to grow up – just south of Kongeåen. It may also have contributed to my urge to travel and see other places.
My first “journeys” were by bike: I got my first own bicycle in 1975 – it was kind-of golden 🙂 It greatly extended my freedom of movement – and sense of independence in general. Eventually tour-biking became a valued part of my life.
I started in school in 1970 as the youngest of my class. Ten years later I continued at EFG (1 year Basic Vocational Education), Haderslev Tekniske Skole. The idea was to find an apprenticeship, become an electronics technician, and then study engineering. The apprenticeship didn’t come easy, so I started HF (2 year Higher Preparatory Examination Course) at Haderslev Katedralskole – and realised this was the right direction for me.
Finally it was time to move away from home – far away: Who in my neighborhood had at that time ever been to Aalborg?.. “The Chicago of the North”. This may have sounded more exciting than scaring, but the real attraction was Aalborg University’s teaching method, problem based learning (PBL). So I headed north in 1983. Five years later I graduated as engineer (MScEE) within biomedical engineering. Thereafter I’ve mainly been employed at Aalborg University, but I do also have my own company, KLARsen – you can read more about my professional life here.
I still live in Aalborg – it has become my city, my base in life. I enjoy travelling, biking, taking (and viewing) photos as well as watching a good movie, eg. in Biffen. Even running and training in the fitness center offers me pleasure… afterwards 😉
Nerding in front of the computer must be balanced with physical activity, preferably outdoor, in touch with nature.